For the last two weeks I have heard about the upcoming April 7th appearance of the Pink Moon scheduled to occur at 10pm. But I doubted I would see it since I am usually asleep by 9 or 10pm. I do not know why my sleep schedule changed from 11 or 12midnight to the above times; once I moved from my Maryland community of stick and mortar-built home into a Rv and became a full-time traveler. However, I have determined my sleepiness does not come because I am tired from driving 8-hundred miles or more during the day, or because I am bored with my lifestyle. Neither of these appear to be the issue since I love my lifestyle.
Although, I have wondered if my sleep schedule changed because I live in forests and deserts which are tranquil areas during the day and at night, except for sounds from wildlife such as Owls, Mockingbirds, the Spruce, etc. Also, the woods have its own type of darkness. Meaning everything is cloaked by darkness. Even with a flashlight or head lamp your vision is limited.
Meanwhile, the constant chatter about the pink moon piqued my interest. As a result, I was curious to determine if this moon was pink in color. My research of this matter indicates the color of the moon is caused by the scattering of light in the sky that is triggered when there is a lot of dust, smoke, or pollution in the atmosphere.
This might explain the appearance of something white captured by my camera on the left of the moon. I took picture three times with the same results. Also when not looking through my camera lens the moon was white. Both, the pink and white moon was smaller than I expected which was disappointing since I thought this moon would be much larger.