RV Headache-#2

June 3, 2018

No one tells you to purchase a Sewer Hose Support to prevent your toilet and bathroom sink from clogging.

When my bathroom sink first clogged during the second week of owning my rv; I was upset. At that time, I didn’t know it was a precursor to additional bathroom problems to come. Anyhow, I made a quick trip to Wal-Mart to purchase Liquide-Plumer which I occasionally used when I was a home-owner. I poured the required amount in the sink through standing water and waited for thirty minutes. Nothing happened.

“This RV is new – why would the sink clog. I said to an empty residence”.

An hour later, the sink was still clogged. Since I was in the restroom, I decided to use the toilet. After pressing the foot-level, the sink made a belch sound and immediately emptied but the toilet was now clogged. A repeat press of the foot-level showed an increase of water in the toilet bowl. However, a quick search of my Thor Motor Coach (TMC) Warranty Ownership Guide didn’t provide an explanation or resolution for this problem.

As usual, I called Thor Motor Coach (TMC) Warranty Assistance and explained my bathroom clogging problems to a technician, who said, “Your Black Water tank sounds like it’s blocked. You need to pull your Black Level to clear your sewer hose.” Okay…. Where is the Black Level? “It is located on the passage side of your RV mid-ways between your entrance door and outdoor television compartment. You have to get on your knees to see the level; then you need to pull it towards you”. I did as directed and heard a powerful suction and flush sound which I informed the tech.

“Alright, your sink and toilet should be cleared now. Before I hang-up, I need you to go inside and check.” Upon entering the bathroom, I ran water in the sink and flushed the toilet which showed both (toilet and sink) was unclogged and worked properly.

A week later, the bathroom sink was clogged again. I flushed the toilet and the sink cleared but the toilet clogged. I went outside and pulled the Black Level. This time, I heard a mild suction and half flush sound. I called TMC to discuss my problems with a technician again. After telling him, I had already pulled the Black Level which made a mild suction and flush sound, but the toilet was still clogged. He said,” Sounds like your sewer hose is clogged. I need you to go-outside; look at your hose and tell me what you see.” I informed the tech that the hose had four snake-like bends in various areas.

“Okay, that’s your problem. You need to straighten out those bends and make sure your sewer hose is lying flat, as well as properly inserted in the sewer pipe for your parking site. Then, I want you to go inside and flush the toilet.” After following his directions, the toilet was unclogged. Meanwhile these practices of unclogging was becoming an ongoing recurrence. As a result, I spend a lot of time on my knees pulling the black level and straightening out bends in my Sewer Hose.

I am no technician, nor knowledgeable regarding the workings of sinks and toilets in RVs, but I knew there had to be a way to prevent or limit recurrence of these problems.

While visiting Camping World, a new Mobile Home, RV and Fifth-Wheel supply and repair shop which opened in May. I discussed my clogging issues with a service center employee who informed me, “You need to purchase a Sewer Hose Support to prevent your sewer hose from curling/bending. Otherwise, your toilet and/or sink will always clog and not flush/empty on a regular basis because your sewer hose is preventing free-flow to your sewer pipe.”

After making the sewer hose support purchase based on this employee’s suggestion, I returned to my rv to install this new contraption and discovered; not only was my sewer hose curled in numerous areas, it was heavy and required great effort to lift and route the hose onto predesigned grooves along the top of the sewer hose support. Currently, instead of pulling the black tank level and adjusting the sewer hose every five days; I am doing it every ten to fourteen-days now. However, I haven’t seen any other mobile-home, or 5th-wheel owners parked at my campground rearranging or adjusting their sewer hoses. Why, am I having this problem?

My dealership, salesperson, concierge nor TMC technician told me that I needed to purchase a Sewer Hose Support to properly permit the free-flow-emptying of my Black or Gray Tanks to prevent toilet and sink clogging.


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