
February 9, 2017

Imagine having to negotiate your way through life as a youth without the guidance of a parent, or loved ones. How do you survive these types of circumstances? Find your own path, build self-esteem, gain security, and become a well-liked respected leader?

If you asked John Troy, he’ll tell you the following:
1) You need to acknowledge your situation
2) Realize when one door closes another opens
3) There are more opened hands in society then clenched fists
4) To be successful in life, you’ve got to persevere

At age fourteen, John Troy’s life changed without warning. It would take years for him to discover the truth, and to learn that doors are often kept open by past memories. As the oldest living survival of a southern homestead and pastor of a church, John used his wits to lead his clan, teach the youths, and stand against evil spirits – even in death.

When we think of consequences, often it is with apprehension and the probability of being duly punished for bad behavior which we know-we deserve. Sometimes nature, higher powers and strangers intercede by rocking the scales of justice which changes our fate.

Unleash your stalled inspiration by remembering verbal/written stories can change a person’s mindset and fate.

Order your copy of Consequences today!


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