March 19, 2024

For the last seven-years, I watched colorful exterior decals fad, peel, and rollup on the exterior of motorhome making it look ten-years old rather than six. I researched numerous exterior appearance fixes and talking to various motorhome paint, graphic design and wrap shop managers. I decided to personally script all decals off my motorhome which turned out to be a three-month task and an additional two-months in the sun for decal residue to fad finally displaying a subtle and better exterior appearance.

After talking to Chad a motorhome damage repairer and repaint specialist at Cassone’s RV in Mesa, AZ on several occasions, I determined he was the person I wanted to repair and repaint my motorhome. As a result, I made reservations to have these services performed on my motorhome exterior looking forward to all of my “learning to drive a 30-foot motorhome battle scar dents, dings. As well as the repair of an exterior driver side storage compartment door because that darn concrete post in front of the gas pump known as a Bollard refused to move so I could refill my gas tank. Also, after jetting past my exit in Atlanta Georgia. I was looking for a place to turn around with a tow vehicle attached to my motorhome. I ended up on a dead-end road and was forced to make a U-turn to head back. However, the motorhome was longer than my turnaround space. So, I worked hard to back up my tow vehicle attached to a towbar not made to accommodate backups. So, I performed an inch-by-inch backup turning my steering wheel until I could clear a ditch to complete the turn-around. I finally got it done, but the towbar split a portion of the driver rear corner seam on my motorhome. I whipped a uturn and returned to my required highway exit to continue my journey. Meanwhile, thanks to Chad, I discovered why towbar backups don’t work and why it’s wise not to attempt this type of maneuver.

Furthermore, since I had never had a vehicle repainted. I wasn’t aware certain vehicle paint colors were more prone to quickly or gradually fade, chip, peel or wear down due to harsh summer seasons and environmental stressors. Therefore, I relinquished the decision to choose a paint color for my motorhome to Chad. Because I was impressed by Chad’s own confidence that his attention to details, repair of motorhome damage, and paint jobs were top notch as well as very professional. Finally with a smile Chad said, “I promise, you are going to love the new look of your motorhome, and yes – I certainly do love the paint color he chose and the look of my motorhome. In fact, I believe the above new paint job makes my motorhome look 100 percent better now than it did when I brought it new in March 2018.


I personally give Kudos to Chad. I found him to be professional, honest, friendly, respectful, and committed to applying traditional best practice customer service procedures during face-to-face and telephone interactions with me. As well as, with other customers during my presence in his office.

In addition, I also personally send kudos to Micah, who quickly assessed the reason why the stove backsplash constantly falls off the wall every time I drive my motorhome. Micah came up with an ingenious solution to alleviate an ongoing four-year-old problem. I found him to be honest and willing to share helpful information to resolve problems. Further, because Chad was not available when I arrived to see my motorhome for the first time; it was Micah, who walked me to the paint station to see my motorhome as we chatted. When we stopped walking and telling. I took a deep breath and said, “Okay I am ready Micah where is my motorhome”? You are standing behind it, he replied laughing. I was speechless. My motorhome looked so different. It appeared newer and better looking than the day I brought it new in March 2018.

My motorhome was three months old when I stopped at an overnight rest area in Nebraska. Upon waking the next morning, I discovered the emergency escape window on the passage side had been smashed and glass was everywhere.


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